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Higher Up Texas, a new non-profit organization piloting in a senior class of 30 in Dickinson High School, took a road trip Tuesday, (10/15/19). Students learned from city leaders what it takes to operate a large and small city. Students then traveled to College of the Mainland where they learned the importance of Higher Education and how industry is moving in the region.Students were given behind-the-scene tours of city facilities, enjoyed breakfast and lunch with city leaders and ended with day with the Texas City – La Marque Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals to learn about networking.The purpose of Higher Up Texas is to develop critical thinking skills to develop a broader view point that reflects everyday life in the real world.For more information on Higher Up Texas visit: www.Higheruptexas.org

Watch the video: https://www.facebook.com/887814237973851/posts/2455156117906314?sfns=mo

  • October 15, 2019